Multiple File Upload Using Laravel


Tech Stack Php/Laravel, Bootstrap, Javascript, mysql This post is about using Laravel  to upload multiple files. File extensions and mime types of all types including; extensions:[“.jpg”,”.jpeg”,”.png”,”.gif”,”.svg”,”.pdf”, “.doc”, “.docx”], MIMES:[“image/jpeg”,”image/png”,”image/gif”,”image/svg+xml”, “application/pdf”, “application/doc”, “application/docx”], ETC Front end code for the image uploader plugin. Make sure you include the image uploader plugin both at the footer and the […]

How to Integrate Noupia Payment with Laravel 8.x


Example: Voting System. Tech Stack: php/Laravel, Html, Css, Bootstrap, Mysql, Javascript/Jquery This post is about intergrating Noupia payment with PHP/Laravel Framework. Noupia is a financial App with local payment integrations such as MTN MOBILE MONEY and ORANGE MONEY. This post will help developers be able to receive payments from their websites or Mobile applications directly […]